Sun, Jan 28
|Check email/FB & PLEASE RSVP.
Bun Runs!
Winter bun runs begin after the racing season is over. Check with Facebook and your club emails for the schedule, and please consider hosting a bun run yourself! It's a great opportunity to form community and create friendships with other runners. Suggested donation to offset the hosts' costs: $3/pp
When & Where
Jan 28, 2024, 8:45 AM – 12:00 PM
Check email/FB & PLEASE RSVP.
Sign up now!
A bun run is a group run each Sunday in the winter, hosted at a member‘s home. (This year events will be held OUTDOORS with social distancing). We arrive by 8:45 a.m. dressed and ready to run. The run will begin at 9 a.m. sharp. The host provides a course from three to eight miles so there is a distance for everyone. You can choose to go shorter or longer.
The cost is only $3.00 to help the host defray costs. We host bun runs throughout the long winter months to help members keep up with their running, to introduce new people to the club, to mingle, and to bond with club members. Bun runs are a long-time favorite and turn into parties each Sunday! RSVP is required and members are asked to attend only if they are completely healthy and have had no known contact with someone COVID-positive. Please err on the side of safety, for everyone concerned.